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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Professional help for photo contest organizers – FotoKlikk

Since 2007 FotoKlikk has been providing the organizers of all the major photo contests in Hungary with a web-based submission surface and judging system, suitable for evaluating thousands of photographs online. With the experience of having taken part in organizing 25 photo contests we can offer a unique and versatile system, easily adaptable to the needs of different users. We can also help in creating and running a communication site in case the contest organizers require.

Our photo contest submission and judging pages are easy to use for contestants and jury members alike, and taylor-made to the needs of the contest organizers, showing exactly those features they want to present. (See for examle:  Hungarian Press Photographers’ Contest site, the Wedding Photography Competition site.)
Our user friendly online photo contest site consists of:
Presentation of the contest ~ Contest rules, terms and conditions ~ FAQ ~ Forum ~ Contact ~ Submission page (only for contestants) ~ Judging page (only for jury members and organizers)


The use of the simple and effective photo contest page:
  • Having registered, contestants get their personal page for uploading their photos easily.  It is possible to limit the number of photos one person can enter into one category or set a total limit to the photos uploaded. If the photo is bigger then the required size, it is resized by the system.
  • Each photo can have a title and a description.
  • It is possible to locate the photos or the contestants geographically.
  • Contestants can modify the uploaded photos till the end of the submission period.
  • Contestants can ask questions in an open Forum or privately in e-mail.
  • It is possible to manage the payment of registration fee on this page. After paying their fee, contestants get an e-mail about their status-change.
  • The first round of judging is done on this page, the jury members may start their work before the submission period ends with the already complete applications.
  • The jury members get an invitation, and once they are registered to the system they can start evaluating the photos from anywhere on earth, provided they have internet access.
  • The jury members may start their work with any chosen photo, then they get subsequent ones randomly. Voting is done either by yes/no button or numbers. Jury members have to click only once for each photo, then they get the next one.
  • The four most efficient judging methods we suggest are:
    a) evaluation by points 0-5
    b) evaluation by points 0-9
    c) voting yes/no
    d) voting yes-no-maybe
  • Contestants can upload series of photos as well, in that case the series are judged as one piece of art.
  • The jury members can not see their fellow jury member’s activities, nonetheless their votes.
  • During judging jury members can see the photos in different sizes.
  • At the end of the given judging round a statistics is made about the number of yes and no votes or the points, and the jury decides about the minimum points necessary for getting into the next round.
  • The whole system is invisible for outsiders.
  • It is possible for a different selection panel to evaluate the same set of photos (it can be useful if not the same person organizes the exhibition and edits the catalogue or album).
  • The system is designed for asking for and accepting the high resolution photos of chosen finalists.
  • It is possible to ask finalists to submit their high resolution portrait and professional CV, useful for publications.
  • On demand the judging process can be turned into a personal event, with jury members meeting at the same venue. We can broadcast the whole judging process to the online audience in perfect quality.


Darányi Zsolt
Darányi Zsolt
A szerző 2003, a FotoKlikk.hu megalakítása óta ötletgazdája, megvalósítója és főszerkesztője e portálnak. A 2006-ban alapított FotoKlikk a Fotográfiáért Alapítvány kuratóriumi elnöke. Építészmérnök, grafikus, typográfus, 3 évtizede az IT szektorban keres és fejleszt különleges technikai megoldásokat, most épp az élő közvetítés területén. Bővebben>>

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