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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Nigel Dickinson Photographer

Nigel Dickinson is a British born photographer and photojournalist. Working from England & France, he travels worldwide. He has more than 20 years experience working in editorial, portrait, campaigns, corporate, publicity, commercial, film & tv, aerial and travel photography.

He works on a regular basis for editorial, corporate and commercial clients, from all over the world. His work bounces him, like a yo-yo, from squatter camp to superstar. Getting on well with & respecting people, in whatever circumstances, creating a rapport, this is part of the essence of Nigel’s photography. After that it is the work of making great photographs.

At any one time, Nigel has several personal photographic projects on the go. At present he is finishing his ten year project on Roma Gypsies in Europe. Last year he began a project photographing militia, vigilantes and ghetto gangs in sub-Saharan Africa. He continues his aerial photography of forests. He is fascinated by the vitality and sheer determination of peoples and communities who find themselves on the periphery, marginalized from mainstream society. He is concerned with the Environment & has worked with threatened indigenous peoples, documenting issues around land-rights, tropical rainforests and deforestation.

– Sharia Islamic Law Nigeria: Nigel Dickinson’s recent work includes reportage on the implementation of Sharia Islamic Law, Hispah police, vigilantes, ghetto gangs, Muslim society and Hausa traditions in Kano, Nigeria. Features published in Figaro Magazine, D Repubblica, Courier International & Le Monde Diplomatique.

– Roma Gypsies across Europe: Dickinson’s ten year project photographing Roma Gypsies across Europe is nearing completion. In 2004 he travelled across Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, France, Finland, Greece and Turkey. He has been documenting Roma Gypsies on the edge of Europe and the ‘New European Community’. Features published with Stern, D Repubblica, Figaro Magazine, Pepper Plug & Marie Claire France.

– Sebastian in Paris: urban landscape photography around Mexican Sculptor Sebastian Escuttor’s huge steel geometric sculptures which are currently exhibited around le Pantheon & la Sorbonne in Paris, France. This reportage will be exhibited and published in Mexico November 2004

‘Roma Gypsies’ was exhibited in Helsinki, Finland May 2004. The Sharia Nigeria reportage was projected at Visa pour L’Image 2003. The book ‘Sara. Le pelerinages des gitans’ published by Actes Sud was exhibited at ‘les Rencontres Internationals’ in Arles 2003 & Saintes Maries de la Mer, France, May 2004

Darányi Zsolt
Darányi Zsolt
A szerző 2003, a FotoKlikk.hu megalakítása óta ötletgazdája, megvalósítója és főszerkesztője e portálnak. A 2006-ban alapított FotoKlikk a Fotográfiáért Alapítvány kuratóriumi elnöke. Építészmérnök, grafikus, typográfus, 3 évtizede az IT szektorban keres és fejleszt különleges technikai megoldásokat, most épp az élő közvetítés területén. Bővebben>>

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